Evil Willow's Favorite Fanfic

A New Girl a New Problem

Part 3

Written By: Kelly
Rating: G
Summary: Andie has a near death experenice.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affilated with the show.
I don't not own any of the characters from the show. I do
own rights to any characters I have made up. No copy rght
infirgment intended.

Pacey was inside the ambulance. The paramedics were bustling all around the tiny space. He held Andie’s hand tightly hoping she would wake up. Meanwhile, Cat was digging through her bag for the keys to her Mustang Convertible. Where are they, she thought. Oh yeah. She unzipped the front pocket and pulled out the keys. She climbed into the driver’s side. “That’s better.” Dawson stood outside the passenger’s side door. He gave a little knock on the glass. I think she forgot about me, he thought. Cat realized he was locked out. She quickly unlocked the door. “Sorry, I’m not used to letting other people in.” She started up the car. Dawson climbed in. “It’s ok.” Cat smiled as she made her out of the school parking lot. “Which way?” “Take a left here, go straight for 2 lights, take a right, and the hospital is right there. I hope Pacey is holding up. Anyway, about the whole scene in the Biology lab being familiar,” Dawson said. “It’s no big deal. Really,” Cat replied. “You can tell me. I’ll listen,” Dawson insisted. “Well, ok. See about 5 years ago, I was living in a small town like Capeside, except only it was in North Carolina, I woke up feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. So did my twin sister and my little brother. And of course my parents,” Cat said. She turned the wheel and turned out unto the street. “ We were all eating breakfast thinking it was just we were hungry. Then all of a sudden our carbon monoxide detector went crazy. My dad, who is a doctor, suddenly jumped up and said, ‘Why didn’t I realize it?’ And then we all rushed outside. We had been exposed to the poison for a long time. I remember standing there holding my puppy, who I still have today, and watching my family fall. First my little brother fell to the ground, then my mom, then my twin sister, and then my dad. I tried to stay up until finally I couldn’t. I fell too. Help did come, but not soon enough. My brother and twin sister died in front of me. When they fell to the ground they died.” The ambulance pulled up into the hospital. They wheeled in the stretcher. Pacey still held Andie’s hand until finally one of the paramedics said, “Sorry sir, you can’t go any further.” Pacey stood in the hallway pacing around. He was going to go crazy if he didn’t know what was going to happen. He wanted to know if Andie would be ok. Cat and Dawson came rushing in. They hadn’t seen Pacey standing there. They ran to the desk. “Is a Andie McPhee here,” Dawson asked. The lady at the desk replied, “She just got here.” Dawson saw Pacey in the hallway. “Pacey! How is she?” Cat stayed at the desk. She wanted more information. She knew how to get it too. “ How is she? Really.” “I honestly don’t know.” Cat joined Pacey and Dawson. She sighed. This was hopeless. “Do you know how she is?” It was obvious Pacey was close to tears. “It was all a blur. I just sat there the whole time. I didn’t understand any medical terms or anything.” The three of them went into the waiting room. It was going be a long day and probably night. To Pacey, this waiting was taking forever. When he finally saw the doctor, it had been three hours. Joey, Jen, & Jack were all at the hospital by then. “Well, she hasn’t waken up yet. She has a respirator. She can still here you though,” the doctor explained. Pacey quickly went to the room number. Soon followed by Jack and Jen. Joey and Cat stayed to see if the doctor was going to say anything else. Dawson still hadn’t returned from the bathroom. “Ok. Might as well tell you two this. I knew those two guys were important. So, who are they?” the doctor said. “The dark haired one. Oops they are both dark haired. The one the went first was Pacey. He’s Andie’s boyfriend. Jack was the other guy. He is her brother,” Joey said. Cat nodded in agreement. “ Looks like the collapse was simply because she has walking puamonia, but when she fell she hit her head causing some head trauma. Right now, the longer it takes her to wake up, the more chance of either brain damage or,” the doctor explained. “Or what?” Joey said. “Death.” Cat brought her hand to her face. She remembered when the doctor had said those words about her mother. Luckily, she woke up. Joey and Cat quickly left to go tell the others By the time Joey and Cat reached the room, everyone else was there. Everyone but Dawson. Jen stood in the corner, Jack was standing by thedoor, and Pacey was sitting down by the bed. Joey cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention Joey said, “Where’s Dawson?” “He never came back from the bathroom.”